Goodnight Mr Tom
5th - 7th October 2023

It has been a huge privilege to direct “Goodnight MisterTom” for Richings Players and I am so proud they have trusted me with it. “Goodnight Mr Tom” is a wonderful, often funny, heart-warming story and I don’t think there will be a dry eye in the house.
It is set during World War 2, in a smallcountry village and centres around an evacuee from Londonand his unlikely friendship with a reclusive man.
Our wonderful cast have been so invested in this project since it was announced and have been fully dedicated to doing it justice. It has been a challenging project for us, with a lot of emotion to impart and for many of the cast, their first straight play. I cannot wait to finally see it come to life on the Oxley Stage during show week!
I would like to thank my amazing Assistant Director - Howard Gibbs. This has been a huge learning curve for me and he has been there every step of the way. His ideas, commitment and knowledge of theatre have been invaluable and I certainly could nothave got this play going without him. I would also like to thank our Production Assistant - Lily Vinall. I may be a bit biased, but she has done an amazing job helping with the children, music, ideas and also all the organisation and paperwork that I am so bad at! Thanks also to our amazing Production Team - Richard Evans, Haydn Parnell, Robin Bishop and Les Brewer. They always do such an amazing job and this play has been no different. Huge thanks also to Joan Gibbs and Harsha Burton for coordinatingcostumes - a mammoth task.
This play is personally very special to me. My late Grandad loved this story, especially the film. My Grandparents all remember the war. None of them were old enough to fight, but everyone at that time made sacrifices and pulled together. One of my Grandmothers was an evacuee herself, although lucky enough to be evacuated with her mum and I know that the play will evoke some bittersweet memories for them. I would like to dedicate this play to them - my gorgeous Grandparents and all the brave people who lived through a time we, thankfully, cannot imagine.